Question | What do we pray for in the second petition? |
Answer | In the second petition, which is, Thy kingdom come, 1 we pray that Satan’s kingdom may be destroyed, 2 and that the kingdom of grace may be advanced 3 ourselves and others brought into it and kept in it, 4 and that the kingdom of glory may be hastened. 5 |
The Baptist Catechism Set to Music
Benjamin Beddome’s Exposition
Hath God a peculiar kingdom in this world?
For the kingdom of God is within you,
Luke 17:21
Is this a spiritual kingdom?
For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost,
Romans 14:17
And a powerful kingdom?
For the kingdom of God is not in word but in power,
1 Corinthians 4:20
Is Christ the administrator of this kingdom?
He therefore died and rose, and revived that he might be Lord both of the dead and living,
Romans 14:9
And are the saints the subjects of it?
They are translated into the kingdom of God’s dear
Colossians 1:13
And is the written word the law of it?
Out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem,
Isaiah 2:3
Hath Satan set up a kingdom in opposition to that of Christ?
He is the prince of this world,
John 16:11
And doth he rule in this kingdom?
He now worketh in the children of disobedience,
Ephesians 2:2
Doth he do all that he can to hinder the progress of Christ’s kingdom?
We would have come to you once and again, but Satan hindered us,
1 Thessalonians 2:18
But is his power limited?
Behold he is in thine hand, but save his life,
Job 2:6
And should we pray that it might be more and more restrained?
The Lord rebuke thee, O Satan,
Zechariah 3:2
And have we reason to hope that our prayer shall be answered?
The God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly,
Romans 16:20
Doth antichrist receive his power from Satan?
And the dragon gave his power, his seat, and his authority, to the beast,
Revelation 13:2
And doth he imitate him in malice, cunning and cruelty?
His coming is after the working of Satan,
2 Thessalonians 2:9
And join with him in his opposition to the kingdom of Christ?
He opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God,
2 Thessalonians 2:4
Should we therefore pray for his downfal?
How long, O Lord, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?
Revelation 6:10
And will our prayer be answered?
Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen,
Revelation 18:2
Should we pray for sinners?
God forbid that I should cease praying for you,
1 Samuel 12:23
Should we pray that wicked principles might be exploded?
O send out thy light and thy truth,
Psalm 43:3
And wicked practices restrained?
O let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end,
Psalm 7:9
And that wicked persons might be converted and changed?
I would to God that all that hear me this day were both almost and altogether such as I am,
Acts 26:29
And should we not only pray for others, but for ourselves?
Turn thou me, and I shall be turned,
Jeremiah 31:18
Should we pray for the church?
Do good in thy good pleasure unto Zion,
Psalm 51:18
Should we pray that the church might be established?
That the mountain of the Lord’s house might be established upon the top of the mountains,
Isaiah 2:2
And united?
Peace be within thy walls,
Psalm 122:7
And increased?
That the kingdoms of this world might become the kingdoms of the Lord, and of his Christ,
Revelation 11:15
And reformed?
That judgment might return unto righteousness and all the upright in heart might follow it,
Psalm 94:15
And delivered from the fury of all its oppressors?
That the rod of the wicked might not rest upon the lot of the righteous,
Psalm 125:3
Should we pray for the farther calling of the Gentiles?
That thy way may be known upon earth, and thy saving health among all nations,
Psalm 67:2
And for the conversion of the Jews?
My heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they may be saved,
Romans 10:1
Should we pray that magistrates might be raised up to favour the gospel?
That kings might be nursing fathers and queens nursing mothers to the Israel of God,
Isaiah 49:23
And that the gospel, wherever it is preached, might be followed with success?
That the word of the Lord might have free course, and be glorified,
2 Thessalonians 3:1
Should we pray that particular Christians might be comforted?
Now our Lord Jesus—comfort your hearts,
2 Thessalonians 2:17
And sanctified?
The very God of peace sanctify you wholly,
1 Thessalonians 5:23
And preserved?
I pray God that your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ,
1 Thessalonians 5:23
Is the state of blessedness above called a kingdom?
This I say, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God,
1 Corinthians 15:50
Is this kingdom yet to come?
It is glory that shall be revealed,
1 Peter 5:1
Should we be fully persuaded that it will come?
Looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearance of the great God and our Saviour,
Titus 2:13
And should we pray that it might come?
Even so, come, Lord Jesus,
Revelation 22:20
And that we and others might be prepared for it?
That we might be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ,
Philippians 1:10
And admitted into it?
Desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven,
2 Corinthians 5:2
The Westminster Larger Catechism
Question | What do we pray for in the second petition? |
Answer | In the second petition (which is, Thy kingdom come,) 1 acknowledging ourselves and all mankind to be by nature under the dominion of sin and Satan, 2 we pray, that the kingdom of sin and Satan may be destroyed, 3 the gospel propagated throughout the world, 4 the Jews called, 5 the fulness of the Gentiles brought in; 6 the church furnished with all gospel officers and ordinances, 7 purged from corruption, 8 countenanced and maintained by the civil magistrate: 9 that the ordinances of Christ may be purely dispensed, and made effectual to the converting of those that are yet in their sins, and the confirming, comforting, and building up of those that are already converted: 10 that Christ would rule in our hearts here, 11 and hasten the time of his second coming, and our reigning with him forever: 12 and that he would be pleased so to exercise the kingdom of his power in all the world, as may best conduce to these ends. 13 |